Introducing Local Offer
As Corporate Parents, we are delighted to sharge with you Hull’s Local Offer for Care Leaver’s setting out how we can support you to achieve your full potential.
We want you to have the stability and support you need to lead successful and fulfilling lives and access to opportunities and experiences that will help you reach your goals.
Our Local Offer for Care Leavers will continue to develop as we work with you on your aspirations for the future and we strive to give you the best start possible to your adult life.
All local authorities have a legal duty to support young people making the transition from care to adulthood and make sure that care leavers know all of the services and support that is available to them. The local offer is where you will find all the information you will need to access and make the best use of the support available from us and anywhere else you can get additional support.
The Children and Social Work Act 2017 requires local authorities to publish a local offer for its care leavers. The local offer includes information about their statutory entitlements as well as any discretionary support that a local authority chooses to provide. The Act requires also that local authorities have regard to 7 corporate parenting principles -
- to act in the best interest of young people and promote your physical and mental health and wellbeing
- to encourage young people to express your views, wishes and feelings
- to take into account young people’s views, wishes and feelings
- to help young people to gain access to, and make the best use of, services provided by the local authority and the organisation it works with
- to have high aspirations for young people and help them to achieve the best outcomes they can
- for young people to be safe, and to have stability in their home lives, relationships, education, work and financially
- to prepare young people for adulthood and independent living
The local offer includes details of the services and support that may assist care leavers in, or moving to, adulthood and independent living that the local authority provides in relation to -
- health and wellbeing - including services that teach about, support and enable good health and well-being
- relationships - including services and support available to help develop and maintain positive social networks
- education, employment and training - including support to help care leavers access appropriate education or training to enable them to fulfil their goals
- employment - including information about general employment support and links to the employment and youth hubs
- acommodation - including support to access appropriate and suitable employment
- participation in society - including links to and information about activities, events or volunteering opportunities available in the local area
The local offer includes both statutory entitlement and additional support services and opportunities that will inform packages of tailored support to meet the individual needs of each young person.
Just because you are leaving care, or have already left care, we haven’t stopped caring about you. We want to make sure that you feel safe and supported and know where and who to go to for advice and support.
To be able to get the support set out in the Local Offer, you must have been in care for a period of at least 13 weeks (or periods amounting to 13 weeks) which began after age 14 and included some time after you turn 16.
If you are not sure whether you qualify for support ask your personal advisor.
Coram Voice also have a handy guide to check your status.